Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My other passion is miniatures…playscale or dollhouse scale it doesn't matter to me… I started collecting as well as creating a number of years ago… then I finally bought a house in which to place them… after a while I got tired of the cookie cutter dollhouses and displays… So I asked my husband to create a modern styled house for my more modern miniatures… During the so called construction of my new house… I started creating minis to go inside it… I have always had an aquarium in my house and I wanted one for my dollhouse in miniature… either they cost an arm and a leg and possibly youre first born child! so I decided I could make my own …I found that I could create my own with out spending allot of money on it… And here is what I came up with… I purchased small glass boxes online.. on ebay I purchased the mini fish and microbeads… and the rest of the aquarium decor I got at michaels crafts… I filled it up with a resin mixture…which took a couple of tries to many in my opinion… and here they are….